Using the C++ SDK Library to Perform Inference on Any Device
Run Time: 29 Minutes
In this IoT Central MicroSession with Edge Impulse, see how to use the Edge Impulse C++ SDK library to perform inference on any platform. You will learn how to build a C++ application that includes the necessary library functions to predict class probabilities from a static set of raw features, as well as construct a Makefile to link the libraries together.
Instructor: Shawn Hymel, Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Edge Impulse
Optional Hardware: Lunix computer, (i.e Raspberry Pi)
Preparation: Free sign-up at
In this IoT Central MicroSession with Edge Impulse, see how to use the Edge Impulse C++ SDK library to perform inference on any platform. You will learn how to build a C++ application that includes the necessary library functions to predict class probabilities from a static set of raw features, as well as construct a Makefile to link the libraries together.
Instructor: Shawn Hymel, Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Edge Impulse
Optional Hardware: Lunix computer, (i.e Raspberry Pi)
Preparation: Free sign-up at
Show Me the Money: Developing a Compelling IoT Value Proposition and Business Model