Using Image Data Augmentation to Train a Better ML Model
Run Time: 18 Minutes
In this IoT Central MicroSession with Edge Impulse, learn the process of performing data augmentation on an image dataset, which includes flipping, translating, zooming, rotating, and adding noise. This process generates modified copies of the original data. See how to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on Edge Impulse with the augmented dataset and demonstrate how it is more accurate than a model trained on the original data.
Instructor: Shawn Hymel, Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Edge Impulse
Required Hardware: None
Free sign-up at
Code and dataset:
Additional Resources:
A non-augmented version of the project used in the video:
An example of the project with augmented data:
In this IoT Central MicroSession with Edge Impulse, learn the process of performing data augmentation on an image dataset, which includes flipping, translating, zooming, rotating, and adding noise. This process generates modified copies of the original data. See how to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on Edge Impulse with the augmented dataset and demonstrate how it is more accurate than a model trained on the original data.
Instructor: Shawn Hymel, Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Edge Impulse
Required Hardware: None
Free sign-up at
Code and dataset:
Additional Resources:
A non-augmented version of the project used in the video:
An example of the project with augmented data:
Classify Non-Human Voice Audio for Automation and Embedded Machine Learning