Learn to Build Object Detection Using Transfer Learning
Run Time: 15 Minutes
In this IoT Central MicroSession with Edge Impulse, quickly learn how to build an object detection model using Transfer Learning. You will also learn how to run the live inference using Edge Impulse Linux CLI or MacOS-based hardware. This is the first ion a two part series (coming soon).
Instructor: Louis Moreau, Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Edge Impulse
Optional Hardware: Linux-based or MacOS-based hardware
Preparation: Free sign-up at https://studio.edgeimpulse.com/signup
In this IoT Central MicroSession with Edge Impulse, quickly learn how to build an object detection model using Transfer Learning. You will also learn how to run the live inference using Edge Impulse Linux CLI or MacOS-based hardware. This is the first ion a two part series (coming soon).
Instructor: Louis Moreau, Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Edge Impulse
Optional Hardware: Linux-based or MacOS-based hardware
Preparation: Free sign-up at https://studio.edgeimpulse.com/signup
Learn How to Integrate an Object Detection Model in a Custom Application