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What is edge computing technology?

What is IoT edge computing?

IoT edge computing is a computing model that brings computing, storage, and network resources closer to IoT devices, sensors, and end users. In edge computing, most data processing and analysis are performed near IoT devices and sensors, rather than traditional cloud computing centers. Edge computing can improve the real-time, security, and reliability of IoT systems, reduce the latency and cost of data processing, and support a wider range of application scenarios, such as smart homes, smart cities, and industrial automation. Edge computing can combine cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data analysis, and other technologies to build an efficient, scalable, and intelligent IoT system.

IoT edge computing

Advantages of edge computing: lower latency, higher bandwidth, better privacy protection, lower cost, etc.
Application scenarios of edge computing: Industrial IoT, smart homes, smart cities, smart transportation, smart healthcare, smart agriculture, etc.
Technical architecture of edge computing: including three levels: device side, gateway side, and cloud side. The device side collects data from the physical world through sensors, the gateway side is responsible for data processing and analysis, and the cloud side is responsible for data storage and management.
Key technologies of edge computing: including distributed computing, machine learning, security and privacy protection, self-organizing networks, multimedia transmission, etc.

Development trend of edge computing: With the popularization of the Internet of Things and the continuous development of technology, edge computing will become one of the core technologies of the Internet of Things. In the future, it will be combined with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain to promote the wider application and development of the Internet of Things.
Advantages and characteristics of edge computing in the Internet of Things

Edge computing in the Internet of Things refers to moving data processing and analysis from the cloud to the edge of the network in the Internet of Things, that is, deploying computing power, storage, network and applications closer to the Internet of Things devices to improve the efficiency and response speed of data processing. In edge computing, edge computing devices (such as sensors, smart terminals, edge computing gateways, etc.) can directly process data before transmitting it to the cloud, reducing the delay of data transmission and the risk of network congestion.

Compared with traditional cloud computing, edge computing has the following characteristics:

1. Low latency: Edge computing can place computing and storage resources close to Internet of Things devices, avoiding data transmission delays and network bottlenecks, and improving the efficiency and response speed of data processing.

2. Security: Edge computing can place data processing and storage locally, avoiding data leakage and security issues during cloud data transmission.

3. Network bandwidth: Edge computing can place data processing and analysis close to IoT devices, reducing the amount of data transmission and avoiding network bandwidth bottlenecks.

4. Offline mode: Edge computing enables devices to process and analyze data even when they are offline.

Edge computing gateway is one of the key components of edge computing. It is a middleware between an IoT device and a cloud system that can connect different types of devices and sensors, process and convert their data, and then send the results to the cloud system or other edge devices. Edge computing gateways can also provide local storage and processing capabilities to reduce network bandwidth and data transmission latency, while improving the security and reliability of IoT systems.